NSS Unit of our college started in the year 2014 (01.09.2014), Since then it has
been a vibrant and active unit. NSS KGAC has been rendering service to the society. It has been
functioning as a regular feature in the realm of our university.
NSS volunteers in close collaboration with the local community and scope for the students
interaction with the people, while interacting with the community students learn many things
other than they learn from theory classes
NSS is aimed at sense of service, team spirit among the students and develop overall
personality of the students.
Dr. K.SHANMUGASUNDARRAJ FROM 01-09-2014 TO 15-08-2017
NSS Logo
The symbol for the NSS has been
based on the giant Rath Wheel of the world famous Konark Sun Temple (The Black Pagoda) situated
in Orissa, India.
The wheel portrays the cycle of
creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and space, the
symbol thus stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS
for social change.
The eight bars in the wheel
represent the 24 hours of a day.
The red colour indicates that the
volunteer is full of young blood that is lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit.
The navy blue colour indicates the
cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the
Motto of NSS
"NOT ME, BUT YOU" This reflects the
essence of democratic living, upholds the need for selfless service, appreciation of the other
person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.
It underlines that the welfare of an
individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole. Therefore, it should
be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.
Aims of NCC
The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of
adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a
pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life,
who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also
provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.
To Create a Human Resource of
Organized, trained and Motivated Youth
To Provide Leadership in all Walks
of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation.
To Provide a Suitable Environment
to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces.
To Develop Character,
Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure and Ideals of Selfless
Service amongst the Youth of the Country.
Develop among themselves a sense of
social and civic responsibility.
Practice national integration and
social harmony
Develop capacity to meet
emergencies and natural disasters
Acquire leadership qualities and
democratic attitude
Utilize their knowledge in finding
practical solution to individual and community problems.
Acquire leadership qualities and
democratic attitude
Develop competence required for
group living and sharing of responsibilities.
Gain skills in mobilizing community
To provide an opportunity to the
students to have a sense of participation in nation-building tasks.
To promote the spirit of national
consciousness in the minds of the student and to contribute their share for the welfare of the
Enable the students to involve in
activities like volunteering , cleanliness, planting trees, blood donation etc.,
Volunteers learn from people in
villages how to lead a good life, despite a scarcity of resources
Goal of NSS
Education through community services and community services through education.
NSS has divided into two main categories
Every student volunteer should invest 120 hours in each academic year towards these activities,
these are the activities which will be conducted mandatorily, such as blood donation and eye
checkup camp, cleaning the surroundings, initiating and participating in awareness rallies
(AIDS, Cancer, Traffic awareness and cleanliness)
Special camp for a span of 7 days each year is conducted. The volunteer will be involved in
undertaking of social activities in the selected village.
NSS unit of our college frequently visit the selected village to make the people aware about
recent schemes launched by the government for their welfare.
Around 350 students have enrolled in the NSS units in our college. Nearly 20 programmes and
events are organized every year by the very active NSS units of our college they are,
Orientation programme for the
freshers regarding NSS activities.
Campus cleaning work done by NSS
Planting trees in the college
Legal literacy programme
Anti drug awareness programme
Aids awareness programme
Voters Awareness programme in
manthithoppu village
Corona awareness programme
Blood donation camp
Free eye check-up for the college
students and nearby village people.
sevendays were organized for the students and general public.
During pandemic period free masks
are distributed by Nss volunteers in important places like
market,rationshop and busstand.
Also our NSS volunteers involved
in Thamirabarani river cleaning work near sathankulam.
NSS volunteers very actively
involved with police department in election related work,
kamanayakkanpatti festivel work, and shenbagavalli amman kovil festival.
Other than the above regular
activities Special camp also conducted in Puthiamputhoor village
and Pudhukottai village near kayathar.

Dr. R. NIRMALA M.Com., M.B.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,PGDCA.,Ph.D