The Youth Red Cross is a component of the Indian Red Cross. It is a group movement organized at the initial stages for students between 18 and 25 years of age within the colleges.A qualified lecturer is recognized as the leader and he is called the Programme Officer under his guidance , the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group,electing their own office-Bearers. Youth Red Cross helps the students to inculcate discipline in them and to understand their responsibilities towards their countrymen, especially the poor and downtrodden. YRC unit was inaugurated in this college in January 2016 with Mrs. M.Bhuvaneswari, Assistant Professor of Computer Science as the Programme Officer and from then onwards it proceeds with active involvement in various activities that cater to the needs of the students, college and the society. The Programme Officer has also participated in various YRC orientation programmes conducted by the University.
Motto of YRC
The motto of Youth Red Cross (YRC) is "I SERVE".
YRC Logo
Objectives of YRC
The main purpose of organizing the Youth Red Cross is
To inculcate in the youth of our
>an awareness on the care of their
own health and that of others
>the understanding and acceptance of
civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
To enable the growth and
development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds
of youth.
To foster better friendly
relationship with all without any discrimination
Principles of YRC
Youth Red Cross has the following principles
Protection of health and life.
Service to the sick and suffering
Promotion of National and International
Promotion of spirit of self-reliance
and dignity of labour among the youth
Promotion of training in various skills
to render qualified service to the needy
Promotion of factors which may
contribute to the establishment of peace at the national and international level
YRC Activities
YRC unit of the college organizes activities which are based on Humanitarian services, Health
services and also trainings to develop Leadership and overall Personality Improvement of the
students. The Programme Officer has also participated in various YRC orientation programmes
conducted by the University.
Activities carried out by our college unit are
First Aid Training Programmes
Eye camp
Blood Donation camp
Planting of Saplings
Legal Awareness Programmes
Yoga Programmes

YRC Inaugural

First-Aid Training

Sirippu Yoga

Illicit Drug Trafficking Awareness

Nilavembu Kashayam Distribution